Policies and Procedures
The Agricultural and Rural Centre CIC policies are firmly established and an integral part of the processes and procedures that all staff members adhere too. Our policies ensure that young people get to work in a safe, happy, fun and inspiring environment.
Some of our Current Policies
Health and Safety Policy Contingency Plan Anti-bullying policy
Complaints Whistleblowing Behaviour policy.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Information Sharing Induction Policy
Recruitment Policy Exclusion Policy Curriculum Policy
First Aid Policy Access Arrangements Policy Attendance Policy
ECT Induction Policy Equal Opportunities Policy Home/School Policy
SEND Policy Smoking Policy Teaching and Learning Policy
SMSC Policy PSHE Policy RSE Policy
We recognise that in our pursuit for continued excellence, we must strive for improvement and embrace the thoughts and wishes of our customers. Complaints can be a vital part in this. If you wish to complain or compliment our service please use our online form below.
We have had 0 complaints this year.
Some of our main Risk Assessments
Animal Handling Food Hygiene Working at heights